Sunday, January 18, 2009


Sorry I haven't posted in the last few days. My pug Jack's health took a turn for the worst, and he passed away early Friday morning. As you might guess, the whole event left me more than a little disoriented and depressed. He was a fine old pug who lived a full life. He was my faithful companion and saw me through many events in my life, both good and bad. He will be missed greatly, but I've been able to take some time this weekend to reflect on the wonderful experiences we shared. I'm really grateful that I'll have memories of him in this new house. Although he didn't like the stairs and had to be carried in either direction, he did have his favorite spot on the sofa where he could keep an eye on just about every corner of the first floor. He also loved the porches—in warmer weather. Whenever I was working outside and looked toward the house, he'd invariably be positioned in a spot watching my every move. House Beautiful recently filmed me giving a tour of the completed house, and sure enough Jack showed up in the final edit right by my side or waiting patiently for me to come downstairs. The videos can be seen on the House Beautiful website. I'll be back to the 101 posts tomorrow.

RIP Jack (5-30-95 to 1-16-09).


Karen said...

Oh, no. That is so very hard.

My deepest condolences.

Maria Killam said...

I'm so sorry for your loss. It's so devastating when your pet dies. You'll have to get another one quick!

The House That A-M Built said...

Oh I missed this post. I am so sorry for your loss. I really enjoy your blog. A-M xx